Foundations of Breaking

Presented by


Tammra Swartwood*

Breakdance is an American artform that started in the Bronx, New York. Pioneer DJ Kool Herc is considered the founding father to isolate the breakbeat. Participants will experience an active introduction to breakdance, including movements called toprock, footwork, freezes, and power moves. You’ll learn the journey of breaking from its beginnings and history through learning the elements of hip hop while working with some of Des Moines’ best breaking instructors. Breaking will become an official sport in the 2024 Paris Olympics. Future Olympians may discover their competitive dance spirit in this workshop!

Randy Sochit is the main Ambassador for this workshop. Tammra Swartwood will fill in when needed.

Workshop Details





Standard Length

Room Setup

Open floor space where participants can stand arms length or further apart and move around, outlet for speaker/music, and a non-carpeted area.

Supplies/Equipment Needed:

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