What we do

Bringing the world to Iowa, brings our world together.

CultureALL connects Iowans of all ages with a variety of interactive programs designed to expand their understanding and appreciation for the different cultures, religions, beliefs, and preferences that can add meaning to their own lives.


In-person interactions engage participants in learning about people whose life experiences different from their own through personal stories, music, art, artifacts, and other activities. Choose from a vast network of CultureALL Ambassadors who share their customs and traditions. These experiences can be adapted for all ages, from young students to corporate environments, expanding Iowans' perspectives of the world in which they live. Select multiple CultureALL Ambassador workshops to create a full day of experiences for your students, employees, and community members.

Passport to Iowa

This video features Iowa neighbors from a variety of backgrounds and cultures. Use their stories and experiences to complete Core Curriculum standards, create an inclusive learning environment, or prepare your students for hands-on interactions with CultureALL Ambassadors. Comes with a Facilitator's Companion Guide.


This unique seven-week photo-ethnography program teaches students to use the art of photography to document, analyze, and appreciate different aspects of their own and other cultures. The project culminates in a public exhibit and artists’ reception that showcases the photographs and changing student perspectives.


You can’t judge a book by its cover. The same is true of people. Open Book is a community project that creates connections and builds social cohesion through story sharing events where “Books” are people and YOU are the “Reader.” Open Book’s unique format inspires dialogue and creates emotional connections between people – even when they have differing viewpoints.


CultureALL programs can be adapted for senior adults, from teamwork training that helps them understand the new cultures making their homes in Iowa, to performances and hands-on experiences that encourage life-long learning and community engagement.


We all want a place where we belong. Where we feel wanted. Valued. Productive. Where our colleagues respect us and enjoy accepting us just as we are. Our workplace consulting team can help you create a culture of belonging within your team. Our data-driven process measures your organization's capacity to benefit from diverse perspectives, engages employees in activities that grow their skill, grace, and confidence, and the framework to guide you as you achieve a more inclusive workplace.


CultureALL welcomes the opportunity to customize any of our programs to fit your needs. With a vast network of CultureALL Ambassadors, Open Book Storytellers, and workplace consultants, we definitely have the ability to serve you.


As mandated by Iowa Code 256.11, “Global perspectives shall be incorporated into all levels of the educational program.” But it isn’t fair to expect teachers to know everything about every culture. CultureALL can help by providing opportunities to work hand-in-hand with a CultureALL Ambassador, suggest ways in which to integrate cultural experiences into your curriculum, develop service learning projects for students, and more.


CultureALL could not achieve its mission without the generous support of these valued community partners who understand the importance of creating an inclusive community.