Rosh Hashanah – The Jewish New Year

Presented by

Bev Ellis


Jews believe that God judges people for what they have done in the past year. In the ten days that follow Rosh Hashanah, people do good deeds to make up for their wrongs. The 10 days end with Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement.

Some Rosh Hashanah traditions are similar to the American New Year’s celebration – thinking of the past year and making resolutions. A ram’s horn is blown to announce the Jewish New Year, just as party horns are blown to welcome the New Year in America.

This workshop encourages participants to think about some good deeds they could do in the New Year. Participants can also make a card to give to family members to let them know a good deed they would like to do for them.

Workshop Details


Jewish Culture


Social Studies, Holidays



Standard Length


Room Setup

Supplies/Equipment Needed:

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