Meet Jonathan's Hero

August 26, 2020

Jonathan, who was in 5th grade at Boone last year, is bi-racial. The school year was another rough one for him. Rarely a day goes by without him being hit by racist beliefs that leave him feeling less valued. He protects himself by withdrawing. It’s easier to not be noticed.

In January this year he came with his family to a CultureALL program. Ambassadors from Jordan, China, Mexico, Ukraine, and Nigeria were there sharing their cultures and life experiences. Jonathan noticed how dark-skinned Eric from Nigeria looked. He noticed his accent. He learned how Eric can speak 7 languages and has lived in 4 countries on 4 continents, and now works as a vice president at a Fortune 500 company helping people become financially secure. He also noticed how proud Eric was to wear his traditional Nigerian clothing. Jonathan and Eric spoke for a long time.

The next weekend, Jonathan completed an assignment for school. It was a slide presentation that he titled, "Eric from Nigeria – My Hero."

People like you, who support CultureALL’s work, see so much hope in our children like Jonathan. You reach out to them through Ambassadors and bring them a wide world of life experiences.


Last school year, Ambassadors engaged more than 11,000 children, even though the season was cut short and several large culture days were cancelled. We still had 58 Ambassadors representing 34 cultures who provided a wide range of experiences for students in 11 school districts

We are currently preparing for the new school year. Educators are reaching out asking for CultureALL Ambassadors to meet with students. As most schools will be closed to outsiders, the Ambassadors are creating videos and teacher guides to share their cultural traditions. Several more will facilitate live, interactive presentations remotely to complement the curriculum.



Why do we keep going, despite all the new challenges and obstacles?

Our children ought to be able to grow up having the skill and grace to interact with people whose life experiences are different from their own. Like Jonathan, every child has a right to feel valued and included. But also, every child has the right to feel inclusive of others.

Please join this globally minded group of people who value all the cultures of our community. Visit our website to see how we change attitudes and behaviors toward diversity in ways that elevate us all.

CultureALL believes that sharing the cultural richness of our community with others will elevate our society and the quality of life for all.