June Roundup: Elevating DEI to the Next Level

June 4, 2024

The work to build equitable communities and systems has garnered more attention in the last four years than ever before.

With the increased attention on DEI comes different perspectives and philosophies on how Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion should operate in the world. We could back away from the pressure. 

Or we could use it as an opportunity to evolve into a better, more inclusive version of the practitioners we already are and ensure more people than ever before feel welcomed and valued at work.

In June’s roundup, writers explore how DEI can elevate to a new standard of operation, better communicate what’s happening in the world, and create and honor a space where every person can live, authentically and fulfilled. 

What Needs to Change About DEI — and What Doesn’t - Harvard Business Review

The increasing scrutiny around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion can make it more difficult for our work to have an impact—but it can also be an opportunity to develop into a more successful version of DEI. Lily Zheng explores what should and should not change in the future of DEI. 

DEI is getting a new name. Can it dump the political baggage? - Washington Post

Photo credit: Christina, WOC in Tech Chat

Legal challenges have caused several companies to take a rebranded approach to incorporating DEI practices into their operations, highlighting inclusion as the driving force of the work. It’s also a sign of the evolving nature of the work. 

The myth of "woke" indoctrination at American universities - Popular Information

Data pulled from college syllabi doesn’t support a common talking point of the anti-DEI movement. Judd Legum of Popular Information looks at the prevalence of what’s derided as “woke ideology” on our college campuses. 

After 20 Years of Same-Sex Marriage, Research Finds No Harms to Different-Sex Couples; Growth for Overall Support of Marriage - RAND

When Massachusetts became the first U.S. state to legalize same-sex marriage, opponents argued it would ruin the institution of marriage and lead to increases in undesirable social outcomes. A recent study from RAND shows that the inclusive landmark decision has benefited all, regardless of their sexual orientation. 

What Pride Means Today - The Inclusion Solution

Photo credit: Norbu Gyachung

Leigh Morrison considers how LGBTQ+ history contextualizes her present as a queer individual and how we can celebrate that history during Pride Month.

CultureALL believes that sharing the cultural richness of our community with others will elevate our society and the quality of life for all.